WikeAI Terms of Service

Thank you for choosing WikeAI. In order to ensure the best experience for you and other users, we have established these Terms of Service (referred to as the 'Terms' below). These Terms constitute a legal agreement between you and WikeAI (referred to as 'we', 'our', or 'us') regarding the use of the WikeAI website, applications, products, and services (collectively referred to as the 'Services'). By accessing or using our Services, you agree to be bound by these Terms.

Service Description

WikeAI provides a platform that allows users to interact with artificial intelligence technology, including but not limited to asking questions, obtaining information, and creating content. Our services rely on advanced algorithms and third-party technologies (such as OPENAI) aimed at providing a high-quality interactive experience. Please note that our services are constantly evolving and updating, and there may be technical glitches or unexpected operational behaviors.

Usage Restrictions

  • Age Restriction:The service is only open to users aged 18 and above. If you are under 18, please do not register or use our services.
  • Legal Purposes:You agree to use our services only for lawful and legitimate purposes and to comply with all applicable laws and regulations.
  • Prohibited Abuse:You are not permitted to engage in any behavior using the service that may damage, disrupt the normal operation of the service, or affect the user experience of others.
Guidelines for Using WikeAI
  • Service functionalities may have errors and may not work as expected. We plan to continuously update and improve WikeAI. Please email [email protected] to let us know your feedback.

  • WikeAI allows you to converse with AI, and the service answers your questions based on knowledge from various sources. These services are supported by various underlying technologies, including large language models operated by third-party providers (such as 'OPENAI').

  • Content generated by services on WikeAI may be inaccurate, and services on WikeAI cannot take actions in the real world. Therefore, please verify any advice you receive from the service. In case of emergencies, do not rely on the service; they will not perform actions for you.

  • Personal data shared with WikeAI and bots. As detailed in the WikeAI Privacy Policy, we may collect certain personal information related to your use of WikeAI (including contact information, etc.).

  • Your account information will be anonymized before being shared with third-party providers such as OPENAI. Third-party service providers may receive detailed information about your interactions with bots on WikeAI (including any files, any chat content) to improve their models.

  • Do not share sensitive personal information (credit card information, social security information, etc.) with bots. For more information about third-party providers, refer to the respective bot profiles. Please refer to the WikeAI Privacy Policy for more information on our privacy practices.

When Using WikeAI, You Acknowledge and Agree to the Following Regarding Any Content:
  • The service may not generate accurate content. You should independently verify any responses or suggestions provided by the services on WikeAI. WikeAI does not provide any guarantees regarding the accuracy of any content provided or generated through WikeAI.

  • The service may generate content that is not suitable for minors.

  • The information or content you upload to or include in the service (such as files you upload, content sent in conversations, etc.) is your content. Between you and WikeAI, you are solely responsible for your use or enabling of any models owned by WikeAI to create or generate any content, operations, and configurations based on your content. You must ensure that any of your content complies with WikeAI's service agreements or privacy policy.

  • You allow WikeAI to use, test, store, copy, translate, display, modify, distribute, promote, and otherwise provide other users with all or any part of your content (including AI-generated content, content used for generating content by AI).

  • WikeAI is not responsible for any infringement of third-party intellectual property rights resulting from the use or distribution of any content generated by WikeAI services.

  • We reserve the right to refuse or remove any models or features from our service at any time for any reason without notice, such as for legal or security reasons, or if your content violates our terms.

When Using WikeAI, Regarding Any Services, You Acknowledge and Agree:
  • Services on WikeAI may not function properly, be interrupted, or work as expected, and WikeAI does not guarantee normal access to WikeAI services.

  • In emergencies, you should not rely on any AI services provided by WikeAI; they will not perform any actions for you in the real world, nor provide functionality to control other products (such as IoT devices).

  • Services on WikeAI may be modified and altered, and may contain errors, design flaws, or other issues.

  • Services on WikeAI may result in unexpected outcomes, data or communication loss, or other anticipated or unforeseen damages or losses.

  • WikeAI is not obliged to release any stable production versions; WikeAI has the unrestricted right to abandon the development of WikeAI at any time without notice to you, and bears no responsibility towards you.

When Using WikeAI, Regarding Any Conflicts or Disputes, You Acknowledge and Agree:
  • These WikeAI Terms of Service apply to your use of WikeAI, including on the website or applications.

  • Individuals under the age of 18 are prohibited from using WikeAI. You declare that you have reached the legal age of majority in your jurisdiction, or, if you have not reached the legal age of majority, you are prohibited from using it. Any liability, issues, and consequences arising from this are not associated with or related to WikeAI. If you accept these WikeAI Terms of Service on behalf of another person or entity, you confirm that you have the legal authority to bind that person or entity to this agreement.

  • For matters not resolved by these WikeAI Terms of Service, your use of WikeAI will continue to be governed by the WikeAI Terms of Service.

Your Participation and Feedback
  • Voluntary Participation:

    Your participation is entirely voluntary, and you may choose not to use the product at any time. Participation may include but is not limited to: using WikeAI and any services on WikeAI; reporting errors; testing features, functionalities, and quality of any service on WikeAI; or answering survey questions or providing feedback (collectively referred to as 'Your Participation'). You agree that WikeAI will not provide any compensation or benefits in exchange for your participation. Your participation begins from the date you accept these WikeAI Terms of Service and ends when you or we terminate the agreement in accordance with these WikeAI Terms of Service.

  • Feedback:

    We welcome your feedback and suggestions on how to improve WikeAI services or AI bots on WikeAI. You agree that your feedback is non-confidential and non-proprietary. By submitting feedback, you agree to grant us the unrestricted rights to use, copy, disclose, create derivative works, display, publish, and otherwise utilize the feedback at our sole discretion, without providing any compensation to you. Where to send feedback: Please email [email protected] to provide your feedback.

WikeAI License Agreement
  • WikeAI grants you a limited, non-exclusive, non-transferable, revocable license to use WikeAI's task services solely for your participation purposes and not for any other purposes.

  • You understand that you are under no obligation to sign this agreement, and doing so will not affect your use of any publicly available WikeAI products or services as an individual.

  • You agree that nothing in this agreement shall be construed to constitute any employer-employee relationship between you and WikeAI, nor shall it have any effect.

Restrictions on Usage, You Agree not to use any services on WikeAI to:
  • Infringe upon the rights of another party or any applicable laws.

  • Violate any terms or policies of WikeAI or the policies of third-party providers supporting the bots on WikeAI.

  • Reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, translate, or otherwise attempt to discover the source code or underlying components of WikeAI, bots, or their underlying technologies such as models, algorithms, and systems.

  • Misuse, harm, disrupt, reverse engineer, or interfere with WikeAI, bots, or their underlying technologies, such as fraudulently or deceptively accessing or using them, introducing malware, or sending spam, hacking attacks, or bypassing any protective measures.

  • Develop products, applications, services, base models, or other large models that compete with WikeAI, bots, and their underlying technologies using WikeAI or bots.

  • Extract data from WikeAI or bots using methods other than those allowed by these WikeAI Terms of Service, including web scraping, web crawling, or network data extraction methods.

Your Content
  • Definition of Your Content:

    WikeAI may allow you to ask questions, create bookmarks, vote or like, post or share AI bot conversations within or outside WikeAI. All materials you upload, post, or display in WikeAI; responses received from AI bots accessible through WikeAI ('AI bot-generated content') will collectively be referred to as 'Your Content'. Other users may ask questions and receive responses similar or identical to yours from bots on WikeAI. Content received by other users is not considered Your Content.

  • Ownership:

    You retain ownership of Your Content, but must comply with the following granted non-exclusive rights.

  • License:

    License to use Your Content:

    • By submitting, posting, or displaying Your Content on WikeAI, you grant WikeAI and its affiliates a non-exclusive, global, royalty-free, fully paid, transferable, sublicensable (through multiple layers) license to collect, analyze, use, copy, reproduce, process, adapt, modify, create derivative works, publish, transmit, store, display, distribute, translate, and communicate Your Content related to the operation, improvement, or use of WikeAI and its underlying technologies.

    • You acknowledge and agree that WikeAI may retain Your Content and may disclose Your Content and related information where required by law or in good faith belief that such retention or disclosure is reasonably necessary for the following purposes:

      • 1.

        Comply with legal proceedings, applicable laws, or government requests.

      • 2.

        Enforce WikeAI Terms of Service.

      • 3.

        Respond to claims of infringement of third-party rights concerning Your Content.

      • 4.

        Detect, prevent, or otherwise address fraud, security, or technical issues.

      • 5.

        Protect the rights, property, or personal safety of WikeAI, its users, or the public.

  • Responsibility:

    You acknowledge and agree that the bots accessed through WikeAI answer your questions based on knowledge from various sources, and WikeAI does not create or generate any bot-generated content. WikeAI is supported by various underlying technologies, including third-party providers using large language models (OPENAI). OPENAI is a machine learning system for text processing and generation. You agree that you are responsible for Your Content, including ensuring it does not violate any applicable laws or WikeAI Terms of Service.

  • By registering with WikeAI, you agree to all Terms of Service.

  • We reserve the right to delete your account, Your Content, or any information at any time for any reason or without reason.

  • Any data collected before the termination of your participation may continue to be used in accordance with these WikeAI Terms of Service.

Personal Information and Privacy Restrictions
  • Personal Information:

    As detailed in the WikeAI Privacy Policy, we may collect certain personal information related to your use of WikeAI (including contact information, etc.). Your account information will be anonymized before being shared with third-party providers like OPENAI. Third-party providers like OPENAI may receive detailed information about your interactions with bots on WikeAI (including your chat content, likes, etc.) to improve their models. Do not share sensitive personal information with bots (such as credit card information, social security information). For more information about third-party providers, refer to the corresponding bot profiles.

  • Privacy Restrictions:

    For more information on WikeAI privacy restrictions, please visit the WikeAI Privacy Policy.

Disclaimer and Limitation of Liability
  • Answers provided by WikeAI are based solely on the information you provide and may not be complete or accurate.

  • We are not liable for any loss or damage arising from the use of WikeAI.

  • We are not responsible for the content, product quality, security, or reliability of any bot services.

  • We are not liable for any loss or damage resulting from the use of answers provided by WikeAI.

  • We are not responsible for any issues arising from any transactions of any amount conducted by you in any form within WikeAI.

  • We reserve the right to change this disclaimer and limitation of liability at any time without further notice.